Help Desk

How to get help

  1. Check the FAQ, maybe your question has been asked and answered already.
  2. Ask a colleague or friend.
  3. Use the help form to send us your question. We will answer as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Does this website work in my browser?

This website works with the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave, and Edge (Chromium). It also works with the most recent version of the default Android browser. If you are using any of these browsers but still experience difficulties, please let us know. We no longer support any version of the Internet Explorer. Also make sure that javascript and cookies are enabled in your browser.

Why didn't I receive my invitation e-mail?

Check your spam or junk mail folder. If you find one of our messages there, mark it as 'not spam'. If you still can't find your invitation, contact us!